
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies
Rant # 2


Further rants :O

This is a continuation of the labeling stuff, because, um, I feel like it.
What do you say when someone asks you to introduce yourself? "
Something like this, right?
Hello, my name is *name*, I play *sport*, and *hobbies*.
So if I when I answer that it seems to end up like this:
"Hi, I play soccer and surf the internet. I also draw, play video games and do some graphic design stuff."
But how does saying that define me? Do you have any idea how many people that could apply to?
We just said what we do, not who we are, although the later is considerable harder to explain. Based on reading that, maybe you've formed some ideas about who I am, some of them may be true, some of them may not be, you can't know. They are based on things in your life that have given you these ideas, not really having any relation to me. If I said that I was, just for an example, goth. You would assume that I was like the goths you know, or the goths you've seen in movies.
If for another example, I said I drive pickup truck (definitely not true) you would assume that I had some mental simmiliarity to other people who drive pickup trucks. That I would automatically get along with them.
Another thing, you know those questions they ask, like what race are you? They ask them even when there's no need for them to know. Pretty much I just use the other column and write in 'American'. They can deal with it.