
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies
Rant # 3

Rant # 3 September 5, 20004

Different Views of People

Obviously we all have different views of people. I was thinking about this a while agao while watching Evangelion and the idea of the me that exists in you head, and how that version of me is different from the me that exists my head, or someone else's. I was talking to the nurse when I was at the doctors. She asked me if I knew, let's say "K". So I said "Yeah, she's on my team". The nurse says something along the lines of "She's such a little sweet heart." I mumbled something in response to this because, while "K" has always been nice to me, I don't exactly associate the word 'sweet heart' with someone who has spent the last week talking about beating the sh!t out of another girl (who's an @ss though, so I don't have much pity there)

As I was writing this down I got to thinking again, GASP! I know, this is such a rare occurence ;) . Do we even exist outside of minds, our own and others'? Everything we know is based on our perception and shaped by our views. So are we only truly dead when we cease to exist in anyone's mind? Meaning there are people from ancient times and characters of fiction who for all purposed are alive, and people who exist today who are basically dead...