
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies

Quiz Thingies 1

You know the drill. This is where I post all of those random little quiz results.



I swear the last time I took this I got Sheena. @_@

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz. You're a rogue magic user.
You're a rogue magic user. Neither on the side of
Good or Evil, you wend your own way through the
world alone. You look out for yourself and life
a life of abandon and fun without regrets; or
so you think. Deep down you're looking for a
higher purpose or cause, grasping for some
meaning in it all... Hopefully you'll fall in
love with a Healer or Light mage, as you're
suseptible to becoming a pawn of the Dark Side.

An awesome quiz: What kind of magic user would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla Which Tales of Symphonia character are you? Observe the irony of this being next to the one below. ;)

I am Akabane Kuroudo.
You are smart, resourceful, and quite charming. You don’t rely too much on others, and you can always find a way to amuse yourself in any situation. Remember, though, that the world does not always revolve around you, and perhaps consider taking in some anger- management classes. Which GetBackers Character Are You?

Yay! He is freakin' sexay! XD morally deficient
Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Take the quiz: "What Kind of Soul Do You Retain?"

Somewhere, early on, you lost a sense of your soul. Even reading this, you may not understand. You lost a very precious part of you and silently, it yearns to be back with you. pain
your aura is pain you have been hurt a lot, haven't you? cutting
yourself, pushing everyone away from you- these
are the things you do habitually. you don't
truly believe that anyone could ever love you.
you're a masochist, you're in love with your
sadness. you are so used to your pain that by
now, it has become enjoyable.

what kind of aura do you have
brought to you by Quizilla