
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies

Rant # 4

Rant # 4 September 15, 2004


You need me, I need you. That is the core of humanity. Very few things we do are not in some way related to other people. Being alone is a primal fear for all of us, right? (Or am I just paranoid?...) Different people react to it in different ways. Some people are very loud and talk to everyone just to be acknowledged. Some people stay on the fringes, but only are really happy when other people acknowledge them (damn, I have no idea how to spell acknowledge) Some people do drugs for attention, or act stoned even when they're not. I'm one of the people on the fringes. I'm shy. There are so many times when I want to reach out to people, to comfort them, to hold them. But I'm too afraid of what they and others would say, because, well, I'm a loser. But I just want to hold people, make them okay. Have someone there to hold me. It's funny, I've never been a hugging kind of person. I always feel kind of strange whenever someone other than my parents even touches me. But in way I thrive off of it. I need this contact, to remind me I exist outside of my mind.
Sorry if that one was even more imcomprehensible than the rest.