
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies
Rant # 5

Rant # 5 - September 17, 2004

"It's always like this..."

You'd think I'd have figured it out by now, considering that it happens every year. Which ever teacher I like best the first couple of days, I hate after that, and which ever teacher I hated the first couple of days ends up as my favorite. So now that this has occured, as it always does, I love Bio and hate English. Oh, and I got to have a lecture from the Dean of Students today, *glowers*

Dean:Why are you in the halls without a pass?
Me:I just got back from a doctors appointment
Dean:Well what class do you have now?
Dean:Well you better have everything because I'm not letting you leave again (this is said with the tone like she's letting me off easy)
Me:So can I go now?

Fortunately at this moment some kid comes up to her and asks if he can go to the library. She says no, so he starts walking away cursing really loudly. So I used that as my opportunity to escape.

My iPod mini came yesterday ^_^ So now that it's charged and working I've spent about three hours outside doing nothing but listening to music. It has some games on it too. I won at solitaire. DID YOU HEAR THAT, I WON AT SOLITAIRE! I AM SO DAMN AWESOME! Yes, I am easilly pleased, and for once that wasn't a perverse innuendo. ;)