
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies
Rant # 6

Rant # 6 - October 2, 2004

"Organizational Skillz"

I don't really consider my self a neat freak. Yeah, my stuff is organized and I don't have garbage floating around in my locker, but I also don't have a problem with dirty tissues on my floor. But for some reason when I go to other people's houses and look and how horribly unorganized they are it weirds me out.
I'm sorry, but why the hell do you keep a half opened uncovered container of yogurt in your fridge?
I also seem to have a considerable problem with trinkets. I HATE rooms with loads of shelves full of little crappy things that look like they came from a tourist store. Or who have so much junk on their floor that they can't walk through to there bed without stepping on something.
I always wonder "Do you actually like having stuff this way or are you just lazy? Or are you that apathetic that being knee-deep in sh*t doesn't bother you?
Was there a moral to this story? Before I come in come in contact with you, shove your crap in a dark corner where I won't see it.