
Tales of Symphonia
Quiz Thingies
Rant # 1

Rant #1 August 30, 2004

"OMG!!1 (Insert Something Political Here) Suck!!1"

This is something many people do at times and it pisses me off. They'll say something along the lines of "Republicans are evil". Now, I'm not republican. But I have friends who are. Hell, I have a friends who doesn't like Bush...because Bush isn't conservative enough. I have only ever agreed with this person on one of many political topics, the rest of them we tear each other apart. But if it's not politics we get a long fine.
So here's my mockery of some of this stuff:
-Republican: "OMG Burn the gays"
-Liberal: "OMG You must be a Republican! Burn the Republicans!"
In saying that they're doing the exact same thing they were pissed of about, saying that if you fit this category you automatically fit these traits, whether or not there's any comphrenisble link or not. They give you a label and use it to define who you are, ignoring all of your other traits.
And this isn't onlty with politics. It seems that if someone isn't in your group of friends they are automatically:
-slut and/or whore
Pretty absurd, eh?
I mean what the hell is up with this? We're all people, we all have some f***ed up stuff in our lives. So why do we add to it?
Do we need these labels of what we are and aren't, and what other people are and aren't to define ourselves?